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Beskrivning / Mil-Max

Mil-Max: En avsugningsleksak i form av en mjölkflaska

Även om det kanske inte är ett favoritämne för de flesta människor, känner vi alla någon som har funderat på att runka i en mjölkflaska, eller till och med andra hål som är konstiga eller störande för vissa.

Sannolikheten är hög för att du kanske har funderat på samma sak du också. Du undrar säkert om det går att runka i en varm mjölkflaska, medan tanken på en vanlig glasflaska förmodligen inte är lika stimulerande. Nu ger XTC Japan svar på tal med den mjölkflaskformade lösvaginan Mil-Max.

Detta onahole har TPE-material på utsidan och insidan, vilket gör att den är säker för huden. Materialet är fast och elastiskt som gör att du kan töja och dra i den som med alla andra fickvaginor.

Mil-Max är dock mer än bara en vanlig lösvagina tack vare dess okonventionella utseende.

Har en smal förpackning med en blond cowgirl som omslag

Mil-Max kommer inuti en minimalistisk låda med en flaska lotion och en plastfilm som skyddar lösvaginan från smuts eller deformation.

På lådan kan du se massor av japanska ord som förklarar produktens funktioner och instruktioner för hur du använder den, men det som kommer fånga din uppmärksamhet är en halvnaken cowgirl som håller i en mjölkflaska. Tjejens pose visar att hon redo att mjölka dig torr och tömma dina bollar med hjälp av den här leksaken.

Mjölka dig själv till orgasm

Du kan använda Mil-Max för att mjölka dig till orgasm genom att stryka din penis inuti dess täta tunnel full av massagepärlor. Trots att leksaken har formen av en mjölkflaska kan denna lösvagina ge dig massor av sexuell stimulans. När du trycker in i flaskans hål och trycker in ditt skaft i flaskhalsen kommer du att känna leksakens täta innerväggar omsluta din banan.

Inuti Mil-Max kan du se och känna dussintals massagepärlor perfekt uppradade bakom varandra, vilket gör att varje slag stimulerar din penis ytterligare. Om du använder leksaken med ett bra glidmedel kommer du omedelbart att känna strukturen av en naturligt smörjande slida. Även om Mil-Max ser ut som en mjölkflaska, är det fortfarande en lösvagina som kommer ge dig en sexuell upplevelse som känns som en riktig vagina, men som är mycket tätare tack vare dess utmärkta inre struktur.

Flera lager i tunneln med olika texturer för dina sexuella behov

Till skillnad från andra tråkiga onaholes med ett enda lager som ger dig samma täta struktur, har Mil-Max flera texturer som är redo att tillfredsställa dig. Varje textur har en egen kombination av veck och åsar som kommer att stimulera din penis. Du kan klämma på leksaken medan du använder den för att skapa ett behagligt vakuum för din penis.

Oavsett din sexuella lust kan du använda Mil-Max som en uthållighetstränare för ett snabbt och hårt onanipass, eller mer snäva snabba drag efter en stressig dag på jobbet. Använd några droppar glidmedel för att få en bättre upplevelse.

Rengör och skölj av insidan av Mil-Max efter varje pass och låt den torka väl. På så sätt behåller du hållbarheten och kvaliteten på dess TPE-material.


Totalvikt: 170 gram

Längd: 147 mm

Bredd: 60 mm

Märke: XTC Japan

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Product weight (g) 1 700,00 g

International Reviews

Beginner en budget vriendelijke keuze
Recension av Boobee
Een leuke, kleine en budgetvriendelijke onahole. Met een lengte van ongeveer 14 cm lang is de onahole best wel klein, en voelt strak. Maar omdat het super zacht is zowel als super stretchy, valt het nog mee om te gebruiken. Heel erg klein, dus makkelijk te verbergen of mee te nemen. Aanrader als je je eerste onahole zoekt.
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Budget and no-fuss
Recension av Liam
Received for free as part of a larger order (Ereshkigal 6,1kg, which I'll review shortly).

Didn't expect much of it but seeing as I had it I thought I'd try it out - I was very pleasantly surprised. It's not the most intensely stimulating onahole, it's not very long (I'm about average and it's fine for me, albeit you can see some bulging at the end where the material does seem to be thinner than it maybe ought to be) but I do find myself picking it up more and more for quick sessions without the hassle of pulling out a hip, setting up with a towel, cleaning two holes after etc. etc.

It feels nice and tight, gives that familiar onahole sensation and is incredibly quick and easy to clean afterwards. I couldn't recommend enough - it's well worth the diminutive price, albeit if you're a bit on the larger end you may find it too small, and could find yourself busting through the other end if you get too excited. The material does seem to stretch and become quite transparent even with a more modest member
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Small but ready to milk you dry
Recension av 4rk
I acquired this toy during the winter campaign, so its due to get a review.

First of all, this toy is rather small, so for any larger members out there, do keep it in mind that it might not take your full size.
The toy comes in a neat little box with a beautiful illustration of a cowgirl whose ready to recieve you and milk you.
As the toy is rather small, there is not much to expect from it, but it still surprised me how nice of a stimulation it can give you. It is a little strange to hold in your hand, as it has the shape of a bottle, but if you're out and about and have it with you, its pretty handy to get you off in certain situations if you don't own or have any other onaholes around.

Overall, would definitely look out for this one as an added gift for future campaigns on Motsutoys :)
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Good but a little to small for me
Recension av R
For me it's too small, a bigger size would be better.
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Fantastique !
Recension av TS
Le meilleur qualité / prix !
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Very high quality
Recension av Gaywad
got as free gift. surprisingly good
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good for beginners
Recension av bro
Pretty good for the price. It might be a little tight tho.
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Soft and small
Recension av Anon
Fun little toy. Very soft and small, but not too tight due to stretchiness. Maybe a little too small and basic to be among the best onaholes, but feels good and saves lube.
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Worth the price.
Recension av A
I got it as free gift but also for 15€ this is a good deal. It is very small. So easy to handle easy to use and reccomended for travels.
It is tight and that helps to give hard explosions down there.
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It's great
Recension av SomeoneFromEurope
It's a bit tight and small but for the price, its great.
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Positively Surprised!
Recension av NoRealThrowaway
It's cheap, it's small but holy cow this is made to milk you all.

The very first time I saw it I thought this can't be more than a gimmicky thing, but boy was I in for a surprise.

Obviously this thing is small so it'll be tight but the suction is really good and the stimulation quite high.

You don't need a lot of lube which is awesome, the cleaning is easy and the price is so low that this is worth it.
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Cheap and great
Recension av S.B.
I was surprised by how good it feels and how good the quality is while being this cheap.
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Funny toy
Recension av LV
Surprisingly good for the price, its small but the tpe can extend a bit without making a hole through it. Easy to store and carry, same for the cleaning. Funny little milk bottle
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Good for its purpose
Recension av B.G
Before you buy this, make sure you know what you are getting.
Its a small toy, and as basic as it can get really.
The way I like to think of it, this toy is a better version of my hand, with a simple bumpy texture.
The feel can get a little repettitive as there is not much to it, but its perfect for what its trying to be.

Overall, perfect if you want a better version of your hand, with easy cleaning and drying.
ps. I got this free with the haloween sale.
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Recension av Baban
Peut ce ranger facilement si vous voulait le cacher .
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Klein aber Gut
Recension av Alucard
Das Material aus dem das Onahole besteht fühlt sich gut an und die Innenstruktur gepaart mit dem Vakuumeffekt ist Klasse.
Aufgrund der kleinen Größe des Onaholes ist die Reinigung sehr einfach.
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Great value
Recension av Anw
I got this one as a free gift during the halloween event and I wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. The bumps at the start feel great, the looks are interesting and it is very easy to clean and store. It is very hard to not recommend for this price, great value.
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Guter Saugeffekt
Recension av Tatsu
Als Gratisgeschenk bin ich sehr überrascht wie gut es funktioniert. Es ist zugegeben am Anfang sehr eng, aber nach der Öffnung ist ein sehr schönes Gefühl. Für den Preis unschlagbar, aber nicht so gut als Beginner-Toy geeignet :)
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Not bad!
Recension av DeltaEcho
Received this with Halloween code, so essentially free, bit tight for me, it tries to eject my dick constantly but I am above average girth. The feeling is quite good though and intense, when I can manage to keep it on.

Despite having a bit more length than this toy it's not a problem since it can stretch, although it would be a problem if you are well above average length. 5 stars because if you are a bit on the smaller side this would be an amazing toy I could imagine, and I got it for free. Easy to clean and dry.

I would pay for a slightly longer and thicker version.
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very surprised
Recension av Alex
I really didn't expect much but wow, the price is good enough, it's stimulating, easy to carry and what I like most is that it's very easy to clean, a success for me.
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Very good and cheap
Recension av Kohrean
Now this Thing really suprised me cause it is very good to use, very simple and easy to clean, easy to hide if need be and it is very cheap.
The only Thing that I didnt like is that i had to use both hads to spread it open to get in cause the entry is very soft and needs some help to hold.
Overall for the pricetag on this badboy it be a waste to not pick it up be it your first or 10th Onahole.
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Sehr klein, ansonsten gut
Recension av user
Das Mil-Max ist wirklich klein, vermutlich kleiner als man es sich vorstellt. Die Form ist natürlich ganz witzig und auch das Verpackungsdesign passt zum Thema des Toys und gefällt mir gut.

Bei der Benutzung ist das Vakuum die größte Stärke des Mil-Max. Der schmale Flaschenhals bleibt recht fest hängen und das Onahole saugt einen gleich wieder hinein. Die Stimulation war besser als erwartet.

Die Reinigung ist aufgrund der Größe sehr einfach und man könnte dieses Onahole auch am ehesten einfach irgendwohin mitnehmen.

Als erstes Toy würde ich aber vielleicht etwas größeres empfehlen. Hier fehlt halt das fleischige und schwere Gefühl bei der Nutzung des Kanals. Und das Onahole passt sich sehr stark eurer Form an. Finde jeder sollte auch mal ein 500-1000 Gramm Onahole benutzt haben. Hier bietet sich vielleicht das Yandere von XTC an, welches man auch hier bei Motsutoys kaufen kann.

Nichts desto trotz hatte ich mit dem Mil-Max bereits mehrere male das Vergnügen.
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pocket sized toy
Recension av Kev
Mil-Max is the smallest ona i have. The small size can be very practical. Easy to hide, transport, wash, handle, ... It's definitely worth the super cheap price. But the entrance is really narrow and firm, which makes it difficult to enter. A "very soft" version would be great.
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An extremely good purchase for the 'below the average' gentleman.
Recension av Boe
Purchased this toy purely out of curiosity, and was suprised by the quality. This can be an amazing 5 star ona for guys with smaller than average size. The texture inside is very stimulating and the entrance is super tight (and hard to get in to for larger guys). This ona creates a strong vacuum, which can be both good and bad. Good because it will increase the stimulation, bad because it will make it hard to go to the very end. The material is very soft and nice. This ona is also very easy to conceal, because of it's small size! Unfortunately, because of my size it was hard to get into this ona and during the first time use I tore a hole in the back of the ona :/
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Great entry level Onahole
Recension av MagicWolf
I was gifted this product thanks to a special code.
I wasn't expecting much from this one seeing its cheap price and shape. But, it actualy deliver a good sensation similar to the sensation that the blowjob toys deliver.
The shape is funny and you can store it easily.
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Gut, aber warum nicht gleich etwas teureres kaufen?
Recension av Warum
Die Preisleistung hier ist ziemlich gut, aber warum nicht ein paar mehr Euro für etwas größeres und besseres? Persönlich ist es beinahe zu klein für mich, um es wirklich zu genießen, habe es eher aus Spaß gekauft. Oh, und ich muss sagen, im Verhältnis zu anderen Produkten riecht es nicht besonders gut, aber ich denke nach ein paar mal nutzen, dass es hoffentlich weggeht.
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très bon pour le prix
Recension av e2B
le mil-max ne gagnera pas de concoure de realisme (a moin que vous cherchier une bouteille de lait au quelle cas le realisme est au rendevous) mais est de loin le meilleur jouer niveau qualité prix
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Sehr gut
Recension av N
Für den Preis ist es sehr gut
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Very good for the price range
Recension av Hasenbrot
So very positively surprised, it lies well in the hand and is very satisfying, the only drawback is the length, I wish it was also available in larger
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Very nice
Recension av sausage man
Feels really good. It's small so it's easier to store and clean but my brothers with big sausages, be aware when buying it.
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Really fun to be honest!
Recension av Zamsala
The material is comfortable and the feel is really good, for such a low price I would definitely recommend it!
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Cheap Vacuum Chamber Suckler
Recension av Funky Fumo
A Simple Onahole which is really Cheap for just 15 Euros.
I wouldnt Recomment it to a Beginner though and thats because of the Following Reasons:
- Its VERY Small meaning you have to get used to it / work around that (Onaholes that are too big / too Small are both bad)
- Since its very Tight and the Bottleneck is shaped like it is - its very hard to penetrate it (as the tip is always squishing and moving around as its not sturdy because of the Bottleneck)
I checked and the "Entry Hole" is around 1cm in Diameter - Pair that up with your Girth and you'll see what I mean

I wanted to get it simply since its so Cheap and because it looks Aesthethically Nice (Its a bottle!) so it has served its Purpose and I noticed some other Positive things about it too:
- Its cheap
- Its nice to Hold
- It looks funny
- Maybe the Main Appeal of it: Since its very Tight and how the Shape works - with the Vacuum of it it "sucks" itself and.. weirdly enough "stays" on you - making it actually hard to remove it
giving it a very Unique Sensation (It basically "latches" onto you and wont go off without use of Force)

Overall for 15 Euros its a nice Purchase - though maybe not as your First onahole (maybe your second or third) as its more of a "Special" one than a actual Normal one - but its nice to test how the Vacuum of Onaholes work
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Klein aber fein
Recension av ItsMe
Schon ein sehr kleines Toy. Dafür eng und intensiv. Gewohnte XTC Qualität. Super einfache Reinigung. Für den Preis kann ich nichts schlechtes sagen. :)
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Gets the Job Done
Recension av Darky
Honestly, you get what you pay for.
+ It has a pretty sturdy design
+ the suction-y feeling is pretty cool.
+ very easy to clean, it's a small toy
+ I got it for free by signing up to the newsletter and the base price is very cheap anyways
+ doesn't leak lube
+ nice box art

- The stimulation is very repetitive
- Much too small for my larger fellas
- It's a bottle so no visual stimulation unless you're really into milk bottles
- Length is small so it's easy to pop out of the toy

Overall, this is honestly a pretty good for a beginner onahole user who doesn't really want to commit to anything yet but I think it's better to save up for a "real" onahole instead. Not too shabby.
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Pretty nice
Recension av Shadow
4.9 out of 5
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Nettes kleines Toy
Recension av DuH
Das Milmax ist ein relativ kleiner Masturbator. Bedingt durch die Länge konnte er für manche zu klein sein. Ansonsten ist der Vacuum Effekt sehr nice.
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Good as first Onahole
Recension av Schokogrube
It had the typical smell you sometimes have when you open a new onahole. Just wash it and the smell will be gone.
Feels extremely nice for the price and is good for longer sessions. Comparable to "Mil-Mix Plus Two - Soft" but the material is more on the medium side.
I recommend to use some kind of powder because the material can be slightly sticky.
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Good for the price
Recension av Ni. G. G. Er.
I got it for less than two bucks so I can't not recommend it. However, threw it out anyway as it is too small for my weiner and the structure too intense even with lots of lube. Again, great product for less than two bucks, just not for me.
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Recension av onachan
Very good for such a small toy! i was really surprised
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ühlt sich gut an
Recension av Winfried
Das Material ist angenehm, fühlt sich an wie echt. Kann ich nur weiter empfehlen.
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Almost perfect
Recension av Tbmtot
For a beginner in onaholes, I find it incredible in terms of sensation but a little small unfortunately. A good price-performance ratio
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Positiv überrascht
Recension av Termon
Produkt kam vollständig an, lässt sich leicht benutzen, weglegen (dadurch das es relativ klein ist) und reinigen. Es gibt ein gutes Gefühl bei der Anwendung und ist allemal zu Empfehlen.
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Extreme Pleasure with high vacuum
Recension av Uen
This Onahole has an extremely nice feeling and has one of the highest vacuums i have seen in onaholes (this can be a pro/contra depending on your preference). Thus there won't be any lube leaks. You have to watch out for the small lengh of this product, it wont fit every person although it is very flexible.
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Good idea but it's small
Recension av Khrone
When I opened it, in the entrace a little part immediately broke off, not preventing the usage but nah.. probably a factory defect. For me it's too small, a bigger size would be better.
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Klein aber fein
Recension av VegaAlpha
Das Toy ist zwar kleiner als ich angenommen hatte, hat mich aber nach ein paar mal probieren perfekt überzeugt. Bin Sehr zufrieden damit. Wer es gern eng mag, dem kann ich es nur empfehlen.
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Veel voor weinig
Recension av Piet
Voor singles day kreeg ik deze gratis bij mijn bestelling. Hij is niet super diep maar dat maakt niet zo uit. Het is soepel en rekt goed, maar is toch wel erg strak, daardoor moet je wel 2 handen gebruiken anders schiet de melkbus er zo van af. Zowel de melkbus hals vasthouden en de rest bewegen of de bus in het geheel bewegen voelt goed, genoeg stimulatie om enigszins snel klaar te zijn. Na de eerste twee keer gebruik nog geen sporen van slijtage dus dat is ook mooi meegenomen. Schoonmaken met zeep gaat prima, ik heb hem niet binnenste buiten gekeerd zoals dat bij sommige sleeves wel kan, deze is daar te strak voor. Droogstok er in en dan gaat 't prima.
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