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Beskrivning / Super Realistic Body Ultimate Aska Mai

Super Realistic Body Ultimate Aska Mai
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Product weight (g) 120 000,00 g

International Reviews

Recension av Dri-j
Une belle création, douce au toucher et qui offre de bonnes sensations.
Par contre, le poids impose une certaine expérience en pratique qui vient sûrement avec le temps!
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The real deal
Recension av 102
This thing is, shocker, weighty and wowee is it a workout to use, as some users have already claimed - and I should add, a workout to clean as well. The packaging comes with a convenient plastic shell that you can put the thing in and slide under your bed when done if you are up for the challenge of withstanding the screeching noise caused by the plastic scraping the floor, weighed down by the bulky silicon hunk - not likely if you've used this to its fullest potential, because it sure allows you to exhaust yourself. The holes feel great, you can try as many postures as you can think (that don't involve the thing moving on its own, duh) and the feel is really nice all in all. Another thing I've realized, which isn't nearly the case for pretty much every handheld toy I've ever owned, is that it seals quite nicely - the lube and "biological waste" don't make their way out of the holes on their own pretty much no matter what happens, which is nice if you want to collect yourself for a few minutes or hours before going to clean it up. On that note, I've found it easier in my experience to scrape the holes if you put in three or four fingers, the silicon distends well enough and it doesn't look like it's giving way after over a month of doing that daily, so keep that tip in mind.
I should add that the package came before the estimated delivery date? Great for a house-dwelling goblin like me, so I'll chalk up one more point in the good service category for that, though I imagine that was DHL's doing more than anything.
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Expectations were high, met them
Recension av DC
The price tag on items like this is always a bit daunting for a newbie, but the weight to price ratio is skewed very favorably if you care about it, and the thing with the weight, which this torso isn't exactly left wanting, is that it allows for a lot more flexibility than handheld toys, requiring more work from your lower half but offering the possibility to do proper postures, and the sky's the limit with a little creativity.

This piece in particular (as I've come to expect from this brand, honestly) is very high quality. The attention to detail is very apparent: the contour of the ribs, the stubble near the pussy, the texture of the nipples, the clearly differentiable feelings of the two tunnels (which are pleasantly standard, at some point you get a little tired of these super stimulating novel items that come out constantly), all is very much as it should according to the pricing. The body, particularly if you have means to warm it up, has a great feeling to it, you can grab onto the tits, the ass, the waist, whatever, it all just works. It also feels and looks durable, which isn't something to take for granted these days.

I'm not a fan of numerical grading so I'll give it a Very Good/10.
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Amazing and large!
Recension av Luke
This is an amazing torso for someone waiting to go all out! Great soft texture and the weight of it makes using it an actually workout. Be wary though and make sure you actually have physical palce to store it and measure your storage! Its large and very heavy, making it plus and at the same time pain to store it and clean it.
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Einfach nur Wow
Recension av Echi
Mittlerweile habe ich ein paar Erfahrungen gesammelt und vergleichen können… und Aska Mai ist wirklich Upper class! Dual Layer TPE Onas sind bis jetzt die besten für mein Empfinden. Aska Mai unterstreicht dies noch. Die Verarbeitung ist wirklich gut und man hat das Gefühl das bei diesem Torso ein hochwertigeres TPE verwendet wurde. Habe noch ein anderen Torso von Seiraku und dieser wirkt nicht so hochwertig verarbeitet.. das sind dann aber wohl auch die gut 100 Euro unterschied. :)
Alles in allem sind die proportionen ideal und die breite Hüfte hat genügend Platz für zwei große Hände.
Ich kann dieses Produkt jedem bedenkenlos empfehlen! Einfach Wow!!!
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qu'attendez vous
Recension av E2B
de loin mon favorit , de tout les jouer de la sorte que je possede celui ci est de loin le meilleur , si vous chercher un jouer de type torse vous avez trouver le meilleur . des ma premier utilisation j'ai compris que sa serais de loint ma prèferer , et elle l'est rester jusqu'a ce jours. Bien sur avec un objet de cette taille et poig vous pouvez imaginer que ce n'est pas facile a cacher ou a netoiller mais si vous avez ou la ranger l'"Ultimate Aska Mai" est surement un des meilleur achat que vous pouvais faire sur ce site
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Can't stop playing with it
Recension av Onaho connoisseur
It is the best.
I was looking for a replacement for the Kyo 7 sins. At first i bought the Erishkigal Cherry Hip because it had so many good reviews, but got a bit dissapointed ( wasn't bad, but not as good as i imagined.) After a long consideration ( price, not sure if the tunnel structure is good or not, size, weight) i finally bought this one.
Oh my god. It's the best.
You basically got a dual tunnel toy and a booby toy in one. They feel so good to play with and it also looks fantastic.
The tunnels a bit longer than your other hip toys and the structures are really good. It also has some kind of "hip bone structure" so the vagina feels "tight"
Beware thought, that the vaginal hole is a bit "small" to enter.
All in all, Highly recommended!
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Super Realistic Body Ultimate Aska Mai !!!
Recension av Rom73
Je suis super impressionné par ce torse "Super Realistic Body Ultimate Aska Mai", cette un masturbateur hanche de 12 kg avec tunnels double couche. La peau est si belle qu'on s’arrêterait plus de la toucher.
C'est impressionnant à quel point elle se rapproche de la réalité avec des sensations réalistes très sexy, ça lui donne une touche supplémentaire de charme et de plaisir intense. Le poids pourrait vous surprendre lorsque vous la prendrez en main, mais c'est très amusant et agréable. je recommande ce masturbateur à 100%, il est de très bonne qualité, chaque courbe du produit est super sensuel, c'est tellement génial de le saisir et de la caresser, ...
Client très satisfait !!!
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Perfecte torso
Recension av Kevin
Lekker zacht, en strak.
Borsten zijn niet al te groot.
Maar goed genoeg om ertussen te kunnen glijden..

1 nadeel, na 2e gebruik opgevallen dat de randen rond de tepel los zijn gekomen. Dat vind ik wel erg jammer.
Daarom geen 5 sterren waard.
Even goed 4 is ook hoog.

Service is zoals altijd snel en goed.
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einfach nur traumhaft
Recension av Darius
Bin sehr beeindruckt von diesem Torso. Die Haut fühlt sich so schön an, das man garnicht mehr aufhören will sie zu berühren.
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Recension av kloud
conforme a la photo, la texture est top, la poitrine peu paraitre petite mais son moelleux est dingue la peau est douce.
le squelette rigide a l’intérieure lui donne du corps et de la tenue durant l'utilisation. Pour ma note de 4/5 : je suis un peu frustré par la longueur de buste je l'imaginai un peu plus longue encore une fois c'est conforme 50cm du cou au c*l. de ce fait l'angle de pénétration en missionnaire est frustrant car on ne pas jouer avec les seins de face bref c est du technico perso mais autrement je suis content et très satisfait. Important pour avoir vos point de fidélité crédité a l'achat créez votre compte avant. Après avoir créer un compte et en les contactant j ai pu avoir mes points. D'ailleurs ils/elles (je ne sais pas) sont sympas et réactifs.
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No mold lines or anything on my piece, every inch of the product has flawless skin surface, it is so awesome to grab hold of and smack. The weight might surprise you when you actually get your hands on it, but it is fun and enjoyable.
Recension av Sexualpleasurelover
How close it gets to real life/realistic feel is insane, I was surprised, the fastest orgasms I have ever had from a "toy". When you actually have some weight to hold while doing your thing, gives it that extra shot of realism and enjoyment. The weight might surprise you when you actually get your hands on it, but it is fun and enjoyable, I can 100% recommend this product, I can not speak for durability but so far it is really good quality, no mold lines or anything on my piece, every inch of the product has flawless skin surface, it is so awesome to grab hold of and smack. Satisfied customer!
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Recension av justsomeguy
It gives great orgasm, strongest I've ever had. It feels superb. Just a heads up to anyone interested in it - it's heavy, mine is around 15kg and it has a metal skeleton like structure inside, it's very rigid.
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beyond belief
Recension av tuwje
the ZENIT of toys, at the moment
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