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Beskrivning / Virgin Age Admission

Virgin Age - Admission

Virgin Age Admission är ytterligare en lyxig lösvagina från Toysheart. Företaget har ett rykte av att leverera hållbart material som även inte luktar något.

För Virgin Age Admission har de använt Fine Cross-material. Enligt en testrapport som upprättats av det japanska hälsovårdsmyndigheten är det ofarligt att slicka på den här typen av material - så ni snuskiga jävlar kan göra vad ni vill! Materialet känns mjukt och smidigt och är i princip helt och hållet fritt från olja.

Virgin Age Admission är inte dubbelskiktad, den är endast tillverkad av ett enda material. Väggarna är tjocka, vilket gör denna lösvagina väldigt lätt att hantera. Hon har stora blygdläppar som avslöjar sin ingång, precis som med många Toysheart-produkter.

Även om den 16 mm stora öppningen är enkel att penetrera är det här utan tvekan en artificiella vagina med oskuldstema.

Interiören i Virgin Age Admission

Den här lösvaginan är uppenbarligen lika tajt som en oskuld - men låt oss ta en lite närmare titt på tunneln.

Efter att du har tryckt in din penis leds du till en rymlig kammare som omedelbart följs av en smalare del som endast är 10 mm bred.

Den här delen har stimulerande räfflor som får dig att vilja trycka in djupare… men glöm inte bort att tjejen är oskuld! Nästa del är 7 mm bred och smalnar av till en bredd på 2 mm. I den slutlitga sektionen kommer ditt ollon att masseras från alla riktningar.

Virgin Age - Admission

Du kommer redan efter din första djupa stöt märka att nästa är lite enklare. Anledningen till detta är att materialet har ett någorlunda förskjutet minne, vilket gör att Virgin Age Admission blir lite bredare, men bara temporärt. När du börjar nästa gång kommer du att känna att hon är precis lika tajt som tidigare!

Den här lösvaginan blir tajtare ju djupare du  kommer. Den är inte gjord för grabbar som gillar långa och försiktiga stötar.

Det är en utmärkt artificiell vagina för de som uppskattar en stor del utmärkt stimulering.

Virgin Age Admission Toysheart

Den svampliknande strukturen gör att Virgin Age Admission är väldigt flexibel, utan behovet av extra olja i materialet. Bilden visas tydligt tjockheten i väggarna. Detta gör att lösvaginan är tajt och förhindrar att den töjs för mycket.

Att rengöra lösvaginan är enkelt tack vare det starka materialet; den här lösvaginan kan vändas ut och in, sköljas, torkas och slutligen vändas tillbaka.

Produktegenskaper för Virgin Age Admission

Totalt längd: 13 cm

Tunnelns längd: 11 cm

Bredd: 6.5 cm

Material: FineCross-material TPE (thermoplastisk elastomer)

Klädd design - säkerställer ett utmärkt vakuum

Enkel att rengöra

Levereras med glidmedel

Designad och tillverkad i Japan

keep reading

Mer information

# of holes 1
Product weight (g) 2 400,00 g
Reusable Is reusable
Theme Anime
Tunnel length 1 100,00 mm
Open/Closed Closed
Number of layers 1

International Reviews

small and tight
Recension av yeah
Beware, it's a very small Onahole. So people with bigger sizes, will probably meet the end of the tunnel very quickly.
It's also a very thight Onahole as well, maybe even a bit too tight for some.
Overall it has been quite durable and the feeling can be very intense.
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Recension av Ano
Super Teil, es ist sehr eng und fühlt sich Fabelhaft an!
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It's a wholesome experience
Recension av Mastermind
The sensation is AWESOME. Easy to clean. Although I have to mention I'm not using it the regular way. I have a life-sized teddy bear, I cut out it's "private area" and also have a smaller teddy bear, also cut out it's privates and removed some of the stuffing and put my Virgin Age Admission in there. Put the smaller teddy in to the bigger one and then you have another level experience. It feels like you are with a girl. You can consider it weird, but trust me, you won't regret it if you try it.
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Recension av P.
It's really tight and it lasted longer than other similar sized holes. And it only started showing some damage after I stretched it out for several long sessions in a row. If better handled, it would last even longer.
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Schön eng!
Recension av Anon
Ein wunderbares Onahole, es ist schön eng und fühlt sich sehr gut an. Für den Preis definitiv zu empfehlen!
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Voelt goed
Recension av Synn
Deze onahole is extreem strak maar voelt geweldig. Qua gevoel zeker een aanrader, als je superlang door wilt gaan misschien iets minder omdat deze zeer intens voelt.
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Zeer aangenaam
Recension av Robin
Na een aantal Fleshlights geprobeerd te hebben toch over naar de Japanse Onaholes. Dit is mijn eerste ervaring en ik kan alleen maar lof geven. Het was eerst erg spannend omdat het vrij klein leek, maar het gaf geen problemen en de bestelde glijmiddel werkte perfect. Ben je op zoek naar een strak, betaalbaar speeltje? Dan kan ik deze aanbevelen!
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Good enough
Recension av Alex
Small and handy, its unique on its own.
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Recension av Rado
Incredibly soft material and great tightness
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Recension av Pepe
Stimulation and tightness feels amazing and easy to clean because the small size and simple tunnel. However could be a little too small and too simple for some, I think I might prefer the Graduation edition but unfortunately that seems to be unavailable now.
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Good but not great
Recension av SP316
an extremely tight sensation but i feel most of the pleasure is in the initial experience. Not made for long sessions but passable if needed.
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Too little stimulations for my taste
Recension av Momo
I think overall it is a good product, the build quality in particular but I feel almost nothing using it.
It is tight and I like them pussies tight but it doesn't offer anything else than tightness.
It might just be that I have the chinchin type that's the least compatible for it so I'm just unlucky I guess :(
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Too much stimulation
Recension av CCS
From the pictures, it is clear that this onahole is made to be one of the tighest on the market and it achieves that perfectly. However, in reality, the size isn't as restrictive as it appears to be due to the amazingly spongy material that gives way and rubs all the spots. However, the end of the tunnel remains intense to the glans to the point of being slightly uncomfortable. Overall though, I highly recommend this.
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Tight and entry level
Recension av Soth
Pretty good to start off with. It's made for smaller sized dicks, so do consider this
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Very good
Recension av Ss
Tight but very intense would recommend!
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Good and long lasting
Recension av BT27
This Onahole is very tight and gives a good stimulation. And it is nearly undestroable. This was my first onahole and altough I used it the very often it Looks like I never used it. It's not as tight as it was before but still feels very good.
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Tight and good for those who have experience
Recension av JohnathanDoe
This product is tight and when entering it pushes you out and thus the vacuum is nice.
I use a watered down Peepe lube for this and I liked it, think it is better to use thinner than thicker.
Easy to clean, just turn it inside-out, put some soap and dry with a towel.
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Really tight and amazing feel
Recension av S
This was my first onahole and was amazing. It was really tight and felt incredible with the ribbing especially with the air suction, although the length is short its what makes it good as the tunnel gets smaller and smaller adding to the sensation. It is durable with it being a single layered hole but the material use is firmer compared to other single layer holes. Highly recommended.
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Hard to get in.
Recension av SR
This product is quite firm and choky. Entrance is really tight and hard to get in, especially if you are using lube. Stimulation is good.

I do recommend this!
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Recension av Kevin
Een van de strakste onaholes die er is. de ribbels aan het begin geven een goede intense stimulatie waarna de onahole erg strak word aan het einde. Geeft een erg goed gevoel en is echt een aanrader. het is een single layer en voelt daardoor erg duurzaam, ik denk niet dat je het makkelijk kapot krijgt. de onahole is alleen erg klein dus als je een groot lid hebt is het mischien niet voor jou. hij is wel erg makkelijk schoon te maken doordat het een single layer is.
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One of if not my favourite onahole
Recension av S
At first its tight but feels really good with the ridges and design of it and its even better after a few uses to once its accustomed to yourself. The weight is nice from the material as its single layered and adds more feel to it along with the loli design which makes the experience be better along with the suction which makes it feel nice. The downside is the length as its short but there's the graduation version (which is longer), its a bit more pricey than other onaholes but the quality and experience is worth it as I find myself using it every time along with others to get different sensations.
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Recension av Abyss
This ona fits loli image for sure it is very tight and stimulating tip of your member. Also since this ona is small and tight it gives kind of unique feeling your member gets pushed out every time. Last thing to mention no smell like other onas usually have and cleaning this ona is very easy not tried turn it inside out(never doing that for onas) but I find it very easy to clean anyway.
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Remember to lube your tube
Recension av JT
Extremely tight even for average sizes men.
Sensation wise is 5/5, but it's mostly in the opening. The end of the onahole tunnel is too tight for any sensation.
In terms of value it's also 5/5, but it tends to wear out after a few uses due to the tightness. I've had it for a few months and it's starting to tear, but it's still usable and maintains sensation.

A small tip regarding lube. Use a water based lube that doesn't smear or leak easily. I personally use Nexus Slide for this, as it's more dense and doesn't leak out the opening.

All in all. Great onahole for anyone 5/5
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Zeer strak
Recension av Quintin
Dit is het strakste speeltje dat er is, zonder een flinke dosis glijmiddel kom je hier als gemiddelde man niet in! Maar als je eenmaal binnengedrongen bent dan masseren de ribbels je eikel zo strak en heftig dat je van goede huizen moet komen om het langer dan een twee tal minuten vol te houden.

Goed speeltje voor een snelle, korte sessie en omdat het een stevig speeltje is ook heel makkelijk schoon te maken door het binnenstebuiten te keren. Daar boven op is de prijs zeer redelijk.
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Very narrow
Recension av James
It's very tight from the start and gets very narrow near the end. Can't really make good use of it because you can't touch the end and you can't put your member all the way in. It fits with the loli idea, but it doesn't work well of stimulation for your entire member. However, it is VERY intense on the glans, to the point you may hurt yourself if you're in for the long run. Good for blowing a quick load though.

+ Tight
+ VERY intense on the glans
+ Represents loli pussy
+ Good for short rounds
- Bit expensive for how small it is
- Hard to use well for stimulation for your entire member
- You may hurt yourself if you use it for too long
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AMAZING! Tight stimulation, unbelivable immersion.
Recension av HBaka66
Perfect if you like the feeling of your best piece getting hugged really intensively. No, really this thing is as tight as you think it is when you look at the half-cut picture. Really nice stimulation and amazing Material. Seriously if you like tight toys this is one of the best options. What you think about in your mind while using it, is up to you tho. *wink* Highly recommended!
IMPORTANT: Yes you can safely turn it inside-out. I have not cleaned it otherwise so far. I expect all of my Onaholes to be able to do that simply because if they can't, it would take too much time and make the procedure more complicated than it would be worth it for me.
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